ESABEE创立于 2008 年,并在短短的几年之间迅速成为发展最快速的独立贸易与供应商之一,第一年的营业额接近一千万新元! ESABEE 产品以发掘自微藻的最新养分为主,加上源自世界各地的顶级材料,按照良好生产规范在马来西亚制成。公司致力以最合理的价格为人们带来最优质的产品。
ESABEE was founded in 2008 and within its short history, is fast becoming one of the fastest growing independent trading and supply companies with a turnover approaching S$10million in the first year alone! ESABEE products are powered by the latest nutritional discoveries in MicroAlgae, together with top quality ingredients that are sourced from all parts of the world and manufactured in Malaysia in compliance with GMP guidelines. The company moves to do this with the rationale and purpose in being able to deliver premium quality products at reasonable cost.
MicroAlgae are actually microscopic forms of algae and they have been around for a few billion years. They are one of the earliest and simplest forms of life on the planet. Harnessing the power of MicroAlgae, we aim to bring life by bringing to the man-on-the-street, SIMPLE, ACTION-ORIENTED, BALANCE life-improving opportunities.
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